January 16th 2018

Zelienople PA Revitalization Inc.

Board Meeting

1-16-2018  1 PM

Spring Street Café Main Street Zelienople, PA


Present at meeting:  Clarke, Schultz, Casker, Roy, Mahler, Murray, Jackson, Pepe, Hess, Ayres (via phone)

Approve Minutes from 11-21-17 meeting – Pepe/Schultz – OK

Treasury Report – Tom Mahler – $36,145.68 balance – recent donation from Murray Agency included.

  • Discussion on how funds will be used – suggested that most will be sued for the façade/sign grant program.
  • Discussion on possible new fundraisers – golf outing is a lot of work, but raises a sizable amount.  Will continue to have one until other alternatives are established and proven

Maybe a wine crawl would work in Zelie?  Mary suggested hosting an international wine tasting that can be held at the Café.  Would invite an Italian wine importer where the committee would pay for the wine and she would get cheese donated.  Could charge $45 each and serve up to about 80. Will look into a possible date in March.

  • Some new grants are available for economic development through the state.  Mary will be in Harrisburg next week and will inquire more.


Update on Main Street Project – work is shut down for winter until March.

Update on Kaufman House – Work continues both inside and outside as weather permit

Engineering bids will be sent out for Phase II in the near future


Social Media Consultant – Sidewalk Nation – work has begun by Amber on updating the committee website.  You can check out the progress at http://www.zelienoplerevitalization.org/   She will also be reaching out to other organizations in town to help coordinate efforts to get the word out about what is going on in Zelie. She suggested we decide on an updated slogan. Can brainstorm at the next meeting.


Mini Grants / Sign Grants / Façade Grants update – Don announced that the Borough did not get approved for the Façade Grant from the State.  They are looking into the reasons why and can re-apply in the future.  But by losing this potential $50,000, it makes our fund raising efforts more important.

Discussion regarding how we identify and address building deficiencies.  Don reminded us that is in part what Town Associates is helping the Borough with and we would be better prepared to discuss further after their initial assessment is completed.  Should be able to meet with them in the second quarter along with reps from this committee and ZABA.


New Business

Credit Gives – Jim received a correspondence from this company that provides credit card processing at competitive pricing, but gives part of their profits back to a non-profit in the community.  Jim will request a proposal and if favorable we could promote to local merchants as a source of income to the projects.